Nosotros temenos la oportunidad de usar nuestras voces y dar esperanza y amor en un momento donde el mundo lo necesita mas.
Nosotros temenos la oportunidad de usar nuestras voces y dar esperanza y amor en un momento donde el mundo lo necesita mas.
La organización sin fines de lucros Samaritan’s Feet cree en inspirar esperanza y ahora es nuestro tiempo de hacer exactamente eso. Notas de Esperanza es una iniciativa que Samaritan’s Feet comenzó para dar esperanzas aquellos que lo necesitan, porque ellos entienden que la historia de esperanza nunca termina. Usted puede escribir un mensaje que motive y de animo en la parte inferior y Samaritan’s Feet la imprimiría en una tarjeta que luego distribuiría a personas por todo el mundo.
Anime a otros a alegrar su día y su espíritu.
Vea cómo su compasión se convierte en una bola de nieve en una cadena de bondad.
Muéstrales a las comunidades que te importan y que están unidas en el amor.
Da confianza a los demás en el salón de clases.
Tu mensaje puede llegar a un niño en necesidad, trabajadores de salud, o una persona anciana (o). Haz tu mensaje contar! Que tu dirías para animar alguien en este momento? Como le dirías ha alguien que ellos no han sido olvidados y son amados? Que dirías para que una persona sonría hoy?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Samaritan’s Feet, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the same shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the charity of your choice.
Follow these instructions to start giving to Samaritan’s Feet through your regular Amazon purchases:
Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser. From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page. Select Samaritan’s Feet.
Samaritan’s Feet
First Course
The Smith House Salad
Mixed Greens, Radish, Carrots, & Cherry Tomato with a Mustard Seed Vinaigrette
Second Course
4 oz. Petit USDA Prime Filet Mignon
Served Medium Rare with Standard Sauce
4 oz. Norwegian Salmon
Home-Style Mashed Potatoes & Steamed Asparagus
Third Course
Tennessee Cheesecake
Jack Daniels Caramel Sauce & Southern Candied Pecans
Many companies have programs through which they will “match” the charitable contributions made by their employees. Through corporate gift matching, your employer can multiply your donation to Samaritan’s Feet, making it go further.
Check with your company’s Human Resources office to see if they offer gift matching. If your employer does offer this program, your Human Resources department should provide you with a matching gift form to send to us, along with your donation. Complete this form and mail it with your donation to:
Samaritan’s Feet International
P.O. Box 78992
Charlotte, NC 28271
With thoughtful planning, you can make a lasting contribution to our mission. Your gift can take any of the following forms:
Residual Bequest: after making provisions for your family and friends, the balance of your belongings (legally referred to as your “estate”) is donated to Samaritan’s Feet.
Percentage of your Estate: where a specific percentage of your estate is left to Samaritan’s Feet.
Pecuniary Bequest: where a specific sum of money is donated.
Specific Gift Bequest: referring to any non-cash items such as stock, annuities, property, jewelry, artwork, or other valuables, which can be given to Samaritan’s Feet.
Life Insurance Policy
Want to know more about a planned gift to Samaritan’s Feet? You should make an appointment with your legal or financial adviser. They have all the tools to help you decide what type of request to make. We have partnered with the National Christian Foundation to make it easy for our supporters to donate cash and non-cash assets to us to take full advantage of all tax credits and benefits.